Tavi Health and the Utah Worksite Wellness Council have teamed up to bring your worksite a wellness challenge that is “plug and play” ready. The packet of information includes everything from detailed marketing materials to record keeping all the way through the evaluation phrase of the challenge. Challenge Expedition Fitness, a six-week, team-based challenge aimed at encouraging participants to move more, while performing a number of different activities designed to provide an overall sense of well-being.
For nearly 15 years, TAVi Health has provided clients across the United States and internationally with engaging, fun and affordable wellness challenges. With a catalog that counts more than 50 titles focused on impacting health behaviors ranging from the standards of physical fitness and nutrition, to more novel challenges aimed at introducing positive action in areas like distracted driving, emotional wellness, self-care, mindfulness and more, the TAVi brand has become synonymous with creativity.
They deliver challenges online, via app and in PDF format. All of their challenges include comprehensive resources for coordinators, fully designed and themed promotional materials, tracking forms and a wealth of educational resources. Their online and mobile product links seamlessly with dozens of steps trackers to make daily step entries automatic.
We thank TAVi Health for their partnership and encourage you to learn more about their comprehensive challenge catalog at TAViHealth.com.